Most data in OpenReview are represented as Notes. Each Note responds to an Invitation, which specifies the possible content and permissions that the Note is required to contain.
Users can query notes using the ID of the Invitation that they respond to.
Consider the following example which gets the public Notes that represent the 11th through 20th submissions to ICLR 2019:
By default, get_notes will return up to the first 1000 corresponding Notes (limit=1000). To retrieve Notes beyond the first 1000, you can adjust the offset parameter, or use the function client.get_all_notes which returns a list of all corresponding Notes:
It’s also possible to query for Notes that are replies to other Notes. All reviews, decisions, and comments posted to a particular submission will share that submission's forum. To get all of the notes posted to a particular submission forum, you can do the following:
If you would like to get all types of replies for a Conference, like all Reviews, you can use details = replies. Consider the following example that gets all Official_Comments for the ICLR 2021 conference:
This code returns public comments left on ICLR 2021 Blind Submissions with invitations such as
Invitation IDs follow a loose convention that resembles the one in the example above: the ID of the conference (e.g. and an identifying string (e.g. Blind_Submission), joined by a dash (-). Older conferences often use the format ConferenceID/-/Paper#/Official_Comment, whereas newer venues use the format ConferenceID/Paper#/-/Official_Comment.
Invitations can be queried with the get_invitations function to find the Invitation IDs for a particular conference. The following example retrieves the first 10 Invitations for the ICLR 2019 conference:
Like get_notes, get_invitations will return up to the first 1000 Invitations (limit=1000). To retrieve Invitations beyond the first 1000, you can adjust the offset parameter, or use the function tools.iterget_invitations:
The data of a note is stored in the "content" of that note. For example, the actual decision is stored in the content of decision notes and can be accessed like this:
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