How to do manual assignments
If you selected to use affinity scores, conflicts, bids, or reviewer recommendation scores, you will not be able to use the following options. Instead, follow the guide on how to do automatic assignments.
Assigning Reviewers
If you did not specify you wanted to use the OpenReview matcher to assign reviewers to papers, you will be able to manually assign them using the PC console.
Make sure your submission deadline has passed. Unless your venue is single blind and public, assignments cannot be made until after the submission deadline.
Run the review stage by clicking on the Review Stage button on the request form for your venue.
Under the 'Paper Status' tab in the PC console, click on 'Show Reviewers' next to the paper you want to assign reviewers to.
To assign reviewers from the reviewer pool, you can choose a reviewer from the dropdown. Here, you can also search reviewers in the reviewer pool by name or email. After finding the reviewer you want to assign, click on the 'Assign' button.
To assign reviewers from outside the reviewer pool, you should type the reviewer's email or OpenReview profile ID (e.g., ~Alan_Turing1) in the text box and then click on the 'Assign' button. A reviewer does not need to have an OpenReview profile in order to be assigned to a paper.
Note that assigning a reviewer to a paper through the PC console automatically adds that reviewer to the reviewers pool and sends them an email notifying them about their new assignment.
Area Chairs: Unfortunately, assigning ACs is not available through the PC console, but manual AC assignments can be done through the Python library: (You can check out the docs for our Python API here)
You will need to use your own OpenReview credentials to initialize the Client object.
request_form_id (string) refers to the forum id of the venue request for your venue, (e.g.,
paper_number (int) is the number of the paper you want to assign an area chair to (you can find this in the 'Paper Status' tab of the PC console)
user_id (string) is the email address or OpenReview profile ID (e.g., ~Alan_Turing1) of the user you want to assign
Note that assigning an area chair using python does not send an email to that user. For information on how to contact Area Chairs through the UI, click here. For information about how to contact Area Chairs using python, click here.
Last updated
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