OpenAPI definition
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Get a reference attachment
Download an attachment
Download a PDF
Get a PDF
Gets the next available OpenReview username for the passed names.
Next available tilde username
Upload an attachment
Attachment field name. This is usually pdf or supplementary_material.
The id of the Invitation that allows to upload the attachment.
Path to the attachment.
Send feedback to the OpenReview team
Email address of the user sending the feedback.
Subject of the feedback.
The feedback.
Register a new user
Email that will be used to log in to OpenReview.
This is a Profile id. This parameter is only required when claiming an existing a Profile in OpenReview.
The Profile that is saved to the database.
Delete an Edge
Edge id of the Edge to delete.
Invitation id used to create the Edge.
Label of the Edge to delete.
Tail value of the Edge to delete.
Head value of the Edge to delete.
Whether to soft delete the Edge. When the Edge is soft deleted, the action can be reversed.
Whether to wait for the Edge(s) to be deleted.
Create an edge
Get user profiles
Profile response
Get edges
Get logs by different filters
log response
Reset a user password
reset token
User is logged in after the password is reset.
Find messages by different filters
message response
Find tags by different filters
Tag response
Returns groups
Group response
Creates or edit a Group
Group object
Group response
Adds members to a Group
Group object
Group id to which memebers will be added.
Members to add to the Group.
Group response
Removes members from a Group
Group object
Group id from which memebers will be removed.
Members to remove from the Group.
Group response
Impersonate a user
User token of the impersonated user and details of the impersonation.
Create or edit a Tag
Tag object
Tag response
Create a direct message
Message object
Subject of the message.
Message body.
Groups the message is sent to.
Groups the message should not be sent to.
Parent group that the groups belong to.
Send the message at a specific UTC time in milliseconds in the future. Maximum is 70 hours.
Email address the recipient should replyto.
Whether to wait for messages to be sent.
Email address the message is sent from.
message response
Search Notes
Note response
Returns all the references by filter
Note response
Returns Invitations
Invitation response
Get user profiles
Profile response
Create or edit an Invitation
Invitation object
Invitation response
Create a Note or reference, edit a Note or reference
Note object
Note response
Save user Profile
Add a new piece of evidence to an existent Profile.
Profile response
Returns all the Notes by filter.
Note response