Customizing Forms

A guide for program chairs on how to customize the different forms available to the reviewing committee

Introduction and Formatting

Many OpenReview forms are customizable from the different buttons on the venue request form. You can find where to input your customizations by clicking on a button (for example, "Review Stage") and finding the large text box under "Additional _____ Options". Under "Revision", you'll find that this box modifies the submission form under the heading "Additional Submission Options". For the "Review Stage", the heading will be "Additional Review Form Options"

Some buttons configure other parts of the workflow that do not have an associated form, in which case there will not be an additional options text box.

These text boxes accept a valid JSON object. The following is an example where the title field gets replaced with a radio button:

    "title": {
        "order": 1,
        "description": "Title of the paper",
        "value": {
            "param": {
                "type": "string",
                "enum": ["Test Submission Title"],
                "input": "radio"

We can use this example to learn about the general pattern of the different form options.

    "title": {...}

First, the outermost key is always the name of the field.

    "title": {
        "order": 1,
        "description": "Title of the paper",
        "value": {...}

One level below, we find the keys order and description. These are representation specifiers and they are used to define the formatting and design of the field. Generally, these are the only fields you'll find at this level, along with the value object.

"value": {
    "param": {
        "type": "string",
        "enum": ["Test Submission Title"],
        "input": "radio"

At this level, you'll also see the value object and within it, the param object. When making a field that is asking for user input, you will always see this pattern of "value": { "param": {...} }. Inside the param object, you find validation specifiers along with representation specifiers.

Both validation and representation specifiers can be found inside the param object

Validation specifiers are used by the back-end to allow or disallow data submitted on the form. In this example, only a single string is allowed, and that string must be one of the values defined in the enum array. Specifically, a string that has the value "Test Submission Title"

Validation Specifiers

The type specifiers supported by the forms are string, string[] (string array) and file.

string fields can be simply validated by length using maxLength or minLength. For example, "maxLength": 5, or "minLength": 5. If you want the data in this field to follow a more structured pattern, you can also define a regex, for example "regex": "[^;,\n]+(,[^,\n]+)*". You can also use enum to restrict the user to select a string from a set of strings.

string[] fields are generally going to be used with enum to allow users to select multiple strings from a set of strings.

file fields are specifically validated with maxSize and extensions. maxSize is an integer that specifies the size of the largest file that can be uploaded on the form in megabytes. extensions is a list of strings that are extensions, for example "extensions": ["pdf", "zip"].

Extensions that have a "." in them are not supported. The following field would be invalid because "tar.gz" is not supported:

"extensions": ["zip", "tar.gz"]

optional is a boolean (true/false) value that indicates whether or not this field is required to be present when the form is submitted. Generally, "optional": true is added to the param object to indicate an optional field, and is omitted for required fields. This is because the default behavior is that a field is required.

Required fields have their field names prefixed with an asterisk

Representation Specifiers

order determines the order in which the field is going to be rendered in the form

description is a short and brief explanation of what is expected, or any additional information about the field

The following specifiers are defined in the param object:

default is the value that is going to be shown when the widget is initialized

markdown is a boolean value that enables markdown for this text field

scroll is a boolean that adds a scroll bar to a textarea input

The input specifier determines the rendering on the form and can have the following values:

  • text

  • select

  • checkbox

  • textarea

  • radio

How these each affect a field are best shown below in some common form patterns

Examples of Common Form Patterns

Text Input

  "title": {
    "order": 1,
    "description": "(Optional) Brief summary of your comment.",
    "value": {
      "param": {
        "type": "string",
        "maxLength": 500,
        "optional": true

Single Choice

  "recommendation": {
    "order": 10,
    "description": "Please provide your recommendation based on the manuscript, reviews, author responses and your discussion with the reviewers.",
    "value": {
      "param": {
        "type": "string",
        "enum": [
          "Nominate for best paper"
        "input": "radio"

Multiple Choices

  "confirmation_of_submission_requirements": {
    "order": 17,
    "description": "Before you submit this paper, please make sure that the following requirements are met. If any of these requirements are not fulfilled, your submission will be rejected and will not be reviewed.",
    "value": {
      "param": {
        "type": "string[]",
        "optional": true,
        "enum": [
          "Requirement 1",
          "Requirement 2"
        "input": "checkbox"


  "supplementary_material": {
    "order": 10,
    "description": "All supplementary material must be self-contained and zipped into a single file. Note that supplementary material will be visible to reviewers and the public throughout and after the review period, and ensure all material is anonymized. The maximum file size is 200MB.",
    "value": {
      "param": {
        "type": "file",
        "extensions": [
        "maxSize": 200,
        "optional": true

Setting the Readers of a Field

If you want to limit who in the committee can see a particular field in a form, this is done by adding a readers field. Please follow this link for more detailed information on hiding or revealing fields. Below are two examples, one for the submission form and one for the meta review form. Notice the different use of dollar sign notation. The notation used for the meta review form will also work for other replies to the forum: reviews, comments, and decisions.

  "supplementary_material": {
    "order": 10,
    "description": "All supplementary material must be self-contained and zipped into a single file. Note that supplementary material will be visible to reviewers and the public throughout and after the review period, and ensure all material is anonymized. The maximum file size is 200MB.",
    "value": {
      "param": {
        "type": "file",
        "extensions": [
        "maxSize": 200,
        "optional": true
    "readers": [

Last updated