How to Compute Affinity Scores

Using the Python client to request scores from our Expertise API


Important: For large conferences with 2000 submissions or more, please contact for computing scores for submissions.

However, manually computing scores between users for any combination of area chairs and senior area chairs for these large venues is allowed

Affinity, or similarity, scores are numbers between 0 and 1 that are used to create matches between the different OpenReview objects. Scores between users and submissions are usually implicitly computed as part of the Paper Matching Setup step for setting up automatic assignments. However, there may be times where you would like to compute scores in a way that is not offered by the previously mentioned step, like scores between two groups of users or scores between a group of users and desk rejected submissions. This can be done by querying our Expertise API through the Python client.

Note: This is only accessible by the Program Chairs, as they are the only role with access to all of a venue's information

Requesting Scores

First, log into OpenReview using the Python client:

client = openreview.api.OpenReviewClient(

Next, request a job using the request_expertise function of the client. In the following example, we'll request a job that computes scores between the area chairs:

response = client.request_expertise(

name, group_id, and venue_id are required arguments

The list below describes the arguments for the function call above:

  • name is a string to describe the type of scores you are computing.

  • group_id is the ID of a group where the publications of all the members will be retrieved.

  • venue_id is the value of the venueid property for each submission. The value of this distinguishes between active, withdrawn and desk-rejected submissions.

In this case, venue_id is None because we're looking to compute scores between users, instead of users to submissions

  • alternate_match_group is the ID of the group which you would like to score against the first group. If this value is not None, then the Expertise API will perform a user-to-user score computation

  • model is the name of the model that will be used to compute the scores. We support several models that you find described here, but we strongly suggest that you use specter+mfr

The response variable will contain a dictionary with your job ID, for example: {'jobId': '12345'}. This is the value that you will use to query the status and results of your scores.

Retrieving The Scores

You can use the function get_expertise_results to fetch your scores. Here is an example of the function call:

results = client.get_expertise_results(

The first argument is the jobId that you received from your call to request_expertise. The wait_for_complete argument will continue to query the Expertise API automatically until the scores are complete. When the scores are complete, get_expertise_results will return a dictionary with the following schema:

    'metadata': {
        'no_profile': string[],
        'no_profile_submission': string[],
        'no_publications': string[],
        'no_publications_count': int,
        'submission_count': int
    'results': Object[]

The scores for our example will be stored in results['results']. Since we are doing a user-to-user computation, the objects in this array may look like: {'match_member': '~UserA1', 'score': 0.61, 'submission_member': '~UserB1'}, where match_member is a member from the group whose ID is group_id and submission_member is a member from the group whose ID is alternate_match_group

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