
Notes can only have certain fields and have a specific format. Some of these fields are the same as other objects and some are specific to the Note object.


This is a unique value that identifies the Note. The id of a Note is generated automatically. It is a random 10 character long string that can contain any of the following values:



Notes contain a number field that is associated to the first Invitation that is used to create the Note. The number value is added automatically and it is usually used to give a number id to submissions.


The Creation Date or cdate is a unix timestamp in milliseconds that can be set either in the past or in the future. It usually represents when the Note was created.


The True Creation Date or tcdate indicates the date in unix timestamp in milliseconds when the Note is created. Unlike the cdate, its value cannot be set or modified by the user and it is not displayed in the UI.


The Modification Date or mdate shows when the Note was last modified. The mdate value is a unix timestamp in milliseconds that can be set either in the past or in the future.


The True Modification Date or tmdate indicates the date in unix timestamp in milliseconds when the Note is modified. Unlike the mdate, its value cannot be set or modified by the user and it is not displayed in the UI.


The Online Date or odate is used to show when the Note first becomes public. The odate value is a unix timestamp in milliseconds that can be set either in the past or in the future.


The Publication Date or pdate is used to show when the Note that represents a submission is marked as Accepted. The pdate value is a unix timestamp in milliseconds that can be set either in the past or in the future.


The Deletion Date or ddate is used to soft delete an Note. This means that Notes with a ddate value can be restored but will appear as deleted. The ddate value is a unix timestamp in milliseconds that can be set either in the past or in the future.


The invitations field contains all the Invitations that were used to create the Note through the process of inference.


The domain is a string that groups all the entities of a venue. Its value is usually set automatically and cannot be modified.


The signatures field indicates who created the Note. Even though the field is an array of strings, only one item can be present in the signatures field. Users can sign with different ids depending on their permissions.


The readers field is an array with Group ids that indicates who can retrieve the Note or see the Note in the UI.


The nonreaders field is an array with Group ids that indicates who cannot retrieve the Note or see the Note in the UI. This field is useful in case we want to use a group id in the readers field that contains a member that we want to exclude from the readers. In this case, we can specify the Group id of that user in the nonreaders field.


The writers field is an array with Group ids that indicates who can modify the Note.


The forum field contains a Note id. When the Note id field is equal to the forum field, it indicates that the Note is a submission. Otherwise, it means that the Note is a comment to the submission. In other words, the forum value indicates the forum the Note belongs to.


The replyto contains a Note id. This field indicates what Note it is replying to. In other words, Notes that contain this field are comments in a forum.


The content field is a JSON that can contain any field that is specified in the Invitation. The fields in content can only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens and they can have a max length of 80 characters. The UI will display by default the value of the field after replacing the underscore characters with spaces and uppercasing the first letter of every word in the field. However, the UI can be instructed to render a different text for each field by defining a string inside param/fieldName in the Invitation.

The fields inside content must contain a value field and optionally a readers field. For example:

    "id": "or2023",
    "invitations": [ "" ],
    "readers": [ "everyone" ],
    "writers": [ "~Some_Author1" ],
    "signatures": [ "~Some_Author1" ],
    "content": {
        "title": {
            "value": "Title"
        "venueid": {
            "value": "",
            "readers": [ "" ]

Everyone can query this Note and see that the value of title is "Title". However, only members of "" will be able to see the value of venueid.

The same principle applies to any content field of any object at any level.

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