The Registration Stage creates a registration task for reviewers (and ACs, if applicable).
When to Use it
The Registration Stage can be run an any point during your workflow, though it is usually enabled at the beginning to collect information from reviewers and/or ACs. It can also be used to ask users to update their profiles and import their publications.
If your venue has area chairs, you will see two registration buttons, one for reviewers and one for ACs. Each form will have the following fields:
Registration Start Date
When the registration task will become active, in GMT
Defaults to now
Registration Deadline
The soft deadline reviewers and/or area chairs will see, in GMT
Registration Expiration Date
The hard deadline when the task will expire, in GMT
Registration Name
The name you choose will appear as a button in the Registration page
Use underscores to represent spaces
Default: 'Registration'
Form Title
Title of the registration form
Default: 'Reviewer Registration' or 'Area Chair Registration'
Form Instructions
Instructions reviewers or area chairs will see when completing the task
Additional Form Options
Additional fields that can be added to the registration form. Expects a valid JSON surrounded by a single pair of curly braces {}. Read more about defining fields here.