How to Get All Reviews

Venues using API V2

To get all reviews for a single-blind and double-blind venue, you can do the following:

  1. Get all submissions for your venue. You can do this by passing your venue's submission invitation into get_all_notes. You should also pass in details = "directReplies" to obtain any notes that reply to each submission or details = "replies" to get all notes (direct replies and replies of replies that are nested).

venue_id = 'Your/Venue/ID'
venue_group = client.get_group(venue_id)
submission_name = venue_group.content['submission_name']['value']
submissions = client.get_all_notes(invitation=f'{venue_id}/-/{submission_name}', details='replies')

2. For each submission, add any replies with the review invitation to a list of reviews.

review_name = venue_group.content['review_name']['value']

reviews=[openreview.api.Note.from_json(reply) for s in submissions for reply in s.details['replies'] if f'{venue_id}/{submission_name}{s.number}/-/{review_name}' in reply['invitations']]

3. The list reviews now contains all of the reviews for your venue.

Venues using API V1

To get all reviews for a double-blind venue, you can do the following:

  1. Get all submissions for your venue. You can do this by passing your venue's submission invitation into get_all_notes. You should also pass in details = "directReplies" to obtain any notes that reply to each submission.

submissions = client.get_all_notes(

2. For each submission, add any replies with the Official Review invitation to a list of Reviews.

reviews = [] 
for submission in submissions:
    reviews = reviews + [reply for reply in submission.details["directReplies"] if reply["invitation"].endswith("Official_Review")]

3. The list reviews now contains all of the reviews for your venue.

To get all reviews for a single-blind venue, you can do the following:

  1. Get all submissions for your venue. You can do this by passing your venue's submission invitation into get_all_notes. You should also pass in details = "directReplies" to obtain any notes that reply to each submission.

submissions = client.get_all_notes(

2. For each submission, add any replies with the Official Review invitation to a list of Reviews.

reviews = [] 
for submission in submissions:
    reviews = reviews + [reply for reply in submission.details["directReplies"] if reply["invitation"].endswith("Official_Review")]

3. The list reviews now contains all of the reviews for your venue.

Last updated